
Call Me By My Name: VCU makes its commitment to inclusion real by recognizing that individuals have the right to use names other than their legal name, to identify with the gender they know themselves to be and to utilize the pronouns that best fit them

Green Zone training: Available to members of the Virginia Commonwealth University community who want to learn more about the military student experience. The program trains faculty and staff to support veterans and their families as they transition to academic life.

Tools and resources for inclusive learning: An equity, inclusion and diversity toolkit compiled by Judith Crenshaw in the Robertson School with practical tips for syllabi, assignments, classroom interactions and accessibility

VCU Center for Learning and Teaching Success and Faculty Success: Workshops for faculty on inclusion, diversity, equity and social justice

VCU Equity and Access Services: Responds to student and staff needs related to accessibility, equal opportunity, affirmative action, discrimination, harassment, protection of minors and Title IX

VCU Office of Multicultural Student Affairs: Promotes an appreciation of diversity through events, forums, scholarships and more

VCU Office of Student Accessibility and Educational Opportunity: Provides accommodations to eligible students with disabilities

VCU Office of the Ombudsperson: An independent dispute resolution practitioner for faculty, staff and students

VCU policy on preventing and responding to discrimination: Guidance provided by VCU Integrity and Compliance

VCU Safe Zone: Workshops to reduce homophobia, transphobia, biphobia and heterosexism at VCU