Division of Inclusive Excellence

"VCU honors and celebrates the diversity of identities and perspectives of its students, faculty and staff. The shared values of our diverse community serve the common good and drive innovation and creativity. VCU’s dedication to supporting inclusive environments is reflected in our Quest 2028 theme, Diversity Driving Excellence. It honors a healthy organizational culture that strengthens achievement, productivity and wellness for all members of the VCU community.

Faye Belgrave, Ph.D.
Vice President for Inclusive Excellence and Chief Diversity Officer

Latest News

Remembering Amaza Lee Meredith, the groundbreaking architect
In a Q&A, Amber Esseiva, senior curator at the ICA at VCU, shares her insights on Meredith, the subject of a current exhibition and an upcoming public lecture.
Micah White, who is working toward his Ph.D. in counseling psychology, said, “I always try to approach my research by thinking about practicality, future impact and why anyone should care.”
How I found my research: Micah White examines the intersection of social media and African American identity
White, a VCU alum and counseling psychology Ph.D. student, is committed to conducting research that will make an impact beyond academia and benefit his community.
In December, members of the VCU community organized a clinic to provide free vaccinations to uninsured residents.
At free clinic, Latinx students at VCU promote good health and community
The event at Richmond’s Sacred Heart Center reflects ‘an exceptional demonstration’ of care and outreach, one of its leaders says.